
Recovery time…

Last July I was working diligently to organize my life. To see whether, with enough structure and help, I could keep all the balls in the air. Life, Work, Home, Family, Schtuff…

By Christmas I knew that where and how I was living, was an untenable arrangement. My life was scheduled 24/7 and there was no joy left in the mix.

On March 1st I decided that home ownership was the first piece to let go of. Less than a month passed from deciding to move, to signing the deal. The deal gave me 30 days to purge, pack, find a new place and to move. It was a whirlwind of change.

Once all the boxes were unpacked and the final loads had been taken to the charity store the Office Manager who lives in the back of my brain, thought that I should be at my desk, churning out articles and blog posts in every moment when I wasn’t out in my new city searching for classroom space for upcoming classes.

The Office Manager and I have had words.

I’m pooped. Proud of myself and what I’ve accomplished. And happy to be here. But pooped, all the same.

When someone runs a marathon, we don’t expect them to get up and do it again the next day. Yet it’s easy for us to lose sight of the marathons we run. We see the mountains in the distance and can fall into chivvying ourselves to get on with the next.

I am puttering away at both business and a new social life here. I am meeting new people and getting ready to set up classes. I’m writing some too. But it’s not at a marathon pace right now… I’m still slowing down from the last race I ran.xoxo

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Catherine Mitchell

Grief Recovery Specialist,
Bereavement Facilitator,
NLP Master Practitioner

513 Dundas Street East,
Unit 109
Whitby, Ontario
L1N 0N4

Grief Recovery Ontario is owned and operated by Joy Works Seminars Inc.

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