I was recently invited into a conversation about the difference between Faith and Hope.
Although I declined to explore the topic when invited, today I realized what the difference is for me.
First let me say that I think Faith, Belief, Hopes and Dreams are all quite uniquely defined for each person. Each of us weighs them a little differently and prioritizes the importance of them according to our own heart and understanding.
In Grief Recovery we talk about the grief that comes when life changes and our Hopes, Dreams or Expectations die unrealized.
I realized today, that Hope is what I hold, when I have no Faith.
Hope in the unlikely, is often the glimmer of light that keeps me stepping forward when I’d otherwise curl up and give up.
I have Faith that CoVid will end one day.
I have Faith that I will hug my loved ones one day.
I had Hoped it would be this year.
I had Hoped that the pundits were wrong and that we wouldn’t have a second wave.
I had Hoped that what we’d done to flatten the curve, was going to be enough.
It wasn’t. It isn’t…
We’re in the midst of an enormous second wave… and I am grieving, for the hope that has died and for the hugs, that are still very, very far away. xoxo